Saturday, August 8, 2009

Reflecting on School

As I plan and prepare for our next school year, I like to think back to the past and learn. What worked and what didn't? What can I change? What should I keep the same?

In doing so, I figured out that I have been like a pendulum my first two years of homeschooling. The first year I was at one end of the pendulum; I was so relaxed and fun. I think my kids enjoyed that year, as did I, and things were so peaceful. I took to heart all I had heard about "de-schooling" and that I should be relaxed and we really just enjoyed being together. But at the end of the year I panicked because I felt that I had neglected so many areas of teaching. Yes, it was great, but ignorance is bliss! And I didn't want ignorance!! Ok. Maybe it wasn't that bad. After looking over the year, I did realize they had made progress and learned a lot. But still, the weight of their education felt heavy on my shoulders and the next year the pendulum went full swing the other way.
My second year educating at home, I was very intent on content, curriculum and results. I wanted to see my kids learn so much, to jump by leaps and bounds. I wanted areas of weakness to be erased and areas of strength to be enforced. I wanted to feel that I had taught them everything they "should" know and I went overboard. Unfortunately, I don't think school was as fun for the kids last year. In addition, when I reviewed the year, expecting to see bigger results, I realized they hadn't grown much more than they had the year we were so relaxed! My desire to "teach everything" made me lose sight of one of the reasons we of learning. It's that love of learning that sparks the imagination, strengthens thought, and creates a desire to know more. That's truly where education can begin; when a child decides he wants to learn it is then that he educates himself.
So now, as I am about to begin my third year of home educating, I am hoping that I can slow down those giant swings of the pendulum and actually be more balanced. I want to foster a enjoyment of learning, so that the kids really WANT to open up that book, or write that paper, or figure out that math equation. I want to be relaxed, and yet still give them the mentoring and teaching that they deserve from me. Besides that, I have reminded myself that the weight of their education is really not on my shoulders alone. God is there to lighten the load and I know I must rely on His strength. I'm also praying that God will give me balance; a balance that will stop the swing and bring us closer to that point of equilibrium.
All the pictures in this post are from the end of last school year. I was just looking back and remembering. Here are a few more. Now back to planning for the new year.

Leo teaching the younger kids about light, reflection, and refraction.

Learning the colors of the rainbow in their correct order from their "student teacher".

It helps to play with silly putty when you have to sit still and read!

Already "diving" into books!

She SO wants to do school "like the guys"

1 comment:

  1. Great post. Thanks for sharing your experiences! You are doing a wonderful job.
