We finally finished our first unit in Tapestry of Grace Year 2! Because we had such a busy time during this unit (living in two places, etc.) we had thought that we would just skip the unit celebration. But then, at the last minute, we all decided that we felt like celebrating and sharing what we learned. So we quickly put together a
medieval celebration (it was simple - we planned it and put it together in two days). Besides our immediate family, my sister and her family as well as my brother came to join in. We had a great time. Here are some pictures:

GluckHaus - another Medieval game

The Kids' work for Unit 2

Leo showing his dad his hard work

The kids' cousin shows her work to Uncle W

Saber shows his work to Aunt A and Uncle Z

Knight Saber

Lady Rose

Cousins singing the night away!!

Although it was simple and quick, we had such a great time at our unit celebration. The "Medieval food" was great and the games were fun. We even listened to some Medieval style music. It was also great to see how much we all learned about this time period in history! Now it's off to the Renaissance and the Reformation!
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