Our little apartment is cramped, but cozy. It's quick to get messy, but it's also quick to clean up. It's a place where tight quarters can cause quick tempers, yet it's also a place where we must work together to make things work. In our little apartment, it's difficult to get away from each other or have a moment alone. However, in this little apartment, we can develop closer relationships as we spend more time with each other and as we find new ways to enjoy each member of our family.
(Family game time)
This is only the second week of our seven week trip to Idaho, but being in this small apartment, after being used to a large house, has been somewhat of an adjustment. The kids are all sleeping in one room together, and it has been interesting getting all of them to sleep at night as well as an adjustment when they all wake each other up in the morning.
(Hanging out on the balcony - one of their favorite things to do)

There is also no place for any of the kids to really spend much time alone, and so they all must play together more. They have always played well together, but now they play together ALL the time, all four of them. In fact, sometimes they are enjoying their play together so much I have a hard time getting them to do school!
(Can you see they are obsessed with the game "Sorry" right now?)

In addition, we don't have as much stuff here as we do at home. We brought some toys, a box of
Lego's, a few games, some books, and a few stuffed animals for Rose. Nothing at all like the clutter of toys and games and books we have at home. But, you know what? They have consistently found fun things to do, without all that stuff, and without resorting to much electronics. We HAVE gone to the library to get books - that is one thing I love to have cluttering my house, but other than that they have made do with what we have and a little imagination.
(A picnic lunch on the balcony)
It really is a great lesson in how much excess we really have. There is a constant message out there that we need more stuff, and there is always some great new toy or game out there that is a "must have". In our family we are now usually good about not buying lots of new things or not getting the kids whatever they want, and we try to limit most gifts to birthdays and Christmas, (even keeping those within reason). Our kids understand this and are usually accepting of our "No's" to things. However, we still have a lot of stuff and really most of it is unnecessary.
(This is in the closet that they turned into a clubhouse.
The club name? "The Crazy Lemon Comet Club")

I know there are many families who live in smaller places or more bleak situations than this little two bedroom apartment. I know there are families that can't buy "stuff" even on birthdays and holidays. I realize that we are blessed to have what we have and be able to live in the house we live in. I have always known that; but living here in this apartment is giving me a clearer picture of that. I'm sure many families in these situations wish for more stuff, but I also think that there are many who are extremely happy and content with their lives, no matter how simple.
(Yes, we all are having lots of....)

I thank God for the blessings we do have, and I want to strive to always be content with what we have, no matter our situation.