Thursday, July 31, 2008

Little girl antics

Rose loves to sing. I find her at various times throughout the day singing, and it's always the same song. I have no idea what exactly she is singing, but it always sounds the same. She often lays on the floor, with her feet in the air as she sings. Here's a video of her song:

Here is another thing I found her doing today. Whenever she gets a hold of a pen and she's alone, she loves to draw on herself. It's much more fun than writing on paper. Today I realized she was being way too quiet; when I found her this is the art that I found she had created:

Well, at least sometimes she finds the right spot to draw:

School the last 4 weeks

We are in week four of school and things are coming along nicely. We are enjoying the curricum and learning lots. In History, we are currently learning about Medieval Europe. This week the focus is on Charlamagne.

The following is a little summary of the past few weeks of school and projects:

First Day of School

Salt Maps - After Step 1

Finished Salt Map - Leo

Finished Salt Map - Saber
Finished Salt Map - Jakson

After learning about the mosaic art in the Byzantine Empire, we made our own mosaics. Can you figure out what each of us made? Mine is on the far right.

Both Leo and Saber made cars that are used for various experiments in the their science curriculum. Each made his car almost completely by himself. They are studying forces with the cars.

Leo's motorized car
Saber's racer car
We are now taking our school on the road! I'll keep this updated as much as possible as we travel.

Curriculum and starting school

This year I am so excited about the new curriculum we are using for school. It's called Tapestry of Grace and it covers History, Geography, Literature, Writing, Art History, Church History, and as the kids get older it even includes Government and Philosophy. It's a four year program that cycles through history and it has four levels in every year. It follows a classical education method (grammar, dialectic, rhetoric), yet also has somewhat of a unit study feel to it. It is so packed with great books to read, interesting writing assignments, thought provoking discussion questions, and even hands on projects, among other things.

I have also been so inspired by many of the other moms using TOG (Tapestry of Grace). I belong to a couple of TOG groups, and I am so impressed with the insight, knowledge, kindness, helpfulness and faith in so many these women. Such an inspiration! I've learned so much about preparing for the school year and have found so much information and interesting topics based on their input. I've read their blogs and laughed and cried as I read. I've prayed for many of them as they list their prayer requests, and I've been inspired to try new things, both in homeshooling and in other areas of life.

Here are a few of our other curriculum choices for the year:

Math U See - All three boys will use MUS again this year

Spell to Write and Read - Saber with start with this, then I'll include Jakson, and maybe Leo later. I'm excited about this program too, but a little worried about the learning curve for me. It's a bit labor intensive at first.

Easy Grammar - Leo

Cursive First - Saber, perhaps Jakson

Exploration Education Science - Leo and Saber

The rest of our work is usually just things that I find or pull together from various sources.
This is my first post. Ok, I know that's so chiche - starting a blog like that. But, it's the truth; this is the beginning of my blog. This is a blog about our journey in homeschooling and our journey in life as we learn about God's amazing world. It's a memory record of our time together; it's a chance for friends and family to peek into our lives and see what we're up to; it's a way to express my thoughts and explore writing. We'll see where it goes...